Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Love of Your Life

Anyone that has ever worked in customer service has experienced this shaky hands, sweaty palms and tongue-tied phenomenon, when a certain customer comes in. You could be the best at your job but this certain being turns you into a full-fledged rookie with half a brain.


You know what time they come in because it’s your new favourite time of the day. You know their order because it’s practically the same as yours, which has to be some kind of sign right! You’ve even named them so your coworkers can alert you if they come in unexpectedly. Of course this person is incredibly kind which makes them even more attractive.

You start playing the background story game with your coworkers because well why not!

“Well he grew up on a farm which grounded him and encouraged him to study hard. He graduated from a top university at the top of his class. He listens to classic rock but his guilty pleasure is Nickelback. His mother is a beloved teacher and his father is a paediatrician working to cure leukemia. He has a younger sister that he is like a second father to. He wants 2 kids and as many animals as possible and he’s waiting for the perfect time to ask me to marry him.”


Years later when you’ve moved on and your life looks dramatically different you’ll look back and laugh at how ridiculous you were… then secretly hate the person the Love of Your Life customer is probably with!

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