Friday, August 12, 2011

Perhaps one of the worst parts about working in customer service is that you will probably have to wear a nametag. This allows perfect strangers to assume in their own creepy way that they know you, which they don’t. It would be different if people were named in a way that informed something to the world about them. For example… Likes Music Smith or Swims Frequently Kim. You would be able to conclude that Likes Music Smith likes music and Swims Frequently Kim probably swims a lot. But our names say nothing about our personalities or who we are so it’s disturbing when people throw your name in somewhere it doesn’t need to be. There is no need for a stranger to say, thank-you Megan, how are you Megan, hi Megan etc. You’re the only one serving them it’s painfully obvious they’re speaking to you. There is just no reason to use the name, it’s not like if they said hi you’d be thinking, “Who the hell is he talking to?”

Ok so it’s not so bad once in a while and only when it is used once with a normal tone and no creepy face or hand gestures. But when someone uses your name so frequently that it starts making you physically ill you’ve got yourself a problem.

How are you today Megan?”

“Good and you?”

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